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Déjà vu
Lady Gaza

Lady Gaza represents the evil of today’s antisemitism. She is a woke who preaches hate and intimidates all who do not subscribe to her radical agenda. She praises the terrorist organisation, Hamas, and says the October 7 attacks were justified. She sees herself as a righteous freedom fighter, fighting for the innocent underdog.

In time she implodes, becoming unhinged and embroiled in her self-sabotaging demise. 

A Day in the Life of Lady Gaza, photos by Raf Korman

A Day in the Life of a Performance Artist

Political turmoil in the Middle East has translated into fear in the West. From that fear, prejudice is born. My aunty, Jane Korman, is a performance artist. Through performative persona, Jane reflects notions of prejudice and the outcomes of political discord. Using the persona of Miss World Peace, Jane personifies the naïve optimism brought about by attempts at peace between Israel and Palestine. Following the breakdown of peace, Miss World Peace transforms into Missed World Peace and Lady Gaza. These subsequent personas represent the trauma that flows from failed negotiations and perpetual conflict. Trauma symptoms include depression, alienation, destitution, destruction and ultimately madness


The Day in the Life series is shot by Raphael Korman:

Music credits: The Prodigy – Breathe

Old, tired and fragile

Old, tired and fragile. Photographer: Raf Korman

The self-righteous traitor Jew.

The self-righteous-traitor Jew.

Self-assured Woke

Self-assured Woke

Today’s Antisemite

Today’s Antisemite

Psychosis sliding in...

Psychosis sliding in...

The end of Louise

The end of Louise

Deranged Lady Gaza

Deranged Lady Gaza

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